STEVE BÉGIN becomes spokesperson for the J'Aime Mon Dys campaign

Montreal, October 20, 2023 – Today, Haylem Technologies and Lexibar are launching their first awareness campaign entitled “I love my DYS”. This initiative aims to give power back to people with dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dysorthography. As part of this first edition, Lexibar decided to partner with former Montreal Canadiens player, Steve Bégin, and content creator, Olivia Leclerc. In addition, October 20 is International Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) Day and marks the start of the 8th edition of Quebec DLD Week.

Our favorite “dys”

Steve Bégin, a former professional hockey player, is the perfect example of what a “dys” person represents, that is, someone who has to work hard in the corners all his life and who must always give his all. 110% to keep his place in the team. He is also the father of a dyslexic daughter.

“When I was young, I quickly noticed that I was better at hockey than at school and the choice was easy for me, but I was lucky to have this opportunity. Despite everything, I have always had to do more than others to succeed in sport. Today, I am experiencing the situation with my daughter, who has the same problems as me, and I want to make sure that it is less and less taboo for her and for others who have these problems. »

- Steve Bégin, spokesperson

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