Bennedict Mathurin, NBA player, went to Henri-Bourassa school in Montreal-North for the 2nd phase of the campaign "Vapoter, c'est pas ta game!", a campaign of the RSEQ (Réseau du sport student from Quebec) and the CQTS (Quebec Council on Tobacco and Health) whose objective is to inform young high school athletes in Quebec about the harmful effects of vaping.
Its passage of one hour in front of thirty young people aroused enthusiasm, attracting cameras, admirers and even a certain celebrity for the young people present. Mathurin took the opportunity to offer smiles and encouragement, while emphasizing the importance of staying true to one's origins and choosing one's entourage wisely.
As an authority figure for young people in Montreal North, he also encourages school perseverance and reminds us of the importance of not skipping steps in the pursuit of one's dreams. He also took the opportunity to share some great basketball tips!
Finally, Mathurin is part of the line of Montreal North athletes who have succeeded in reaching the highest level and is committed to continuing to be an inspiring model for his community.
Thanks to the participation of Bennedict Mathurin, the visibility and notoriety of the campaign "Vapoter, c'est pas ta game!" has reached new heights and the latter's participation as a spokesperson has attracted numerous media outlets and significant media coverage.
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